Climate Nans Caravan 10-1 The Old Print Works

‘We Are Here’ Campaign invites you to put your feet up, have a cuppa, some biscuits and talk to Climate Nan about the challenges that our homes, streets and neighbourhoods are facing.
Climate Nan, as part of the We Are Here Campaign, will be parking her caravan at multiple locations across Ladywood and Balsall Heath between the 11th and 13th August as part of a tour of communities who have invited her to talk about the climate crisis. Residents can visit, share their concerns and discuss what can be done. Climate Nan will be offering a friendly ear to the neighbourhood with a warm invite and welcome into the caravan where you can either write a letter to the PM or local MP and or record a contribution to the podcast that will be recorded throughout the tour.

Other stops of the tour:

Friday 11th August, 10:00 -2:00 PM at the Neighbourhood Supper Club Summer Special hosted by CIVIC SQUARE and neighbours at Midland Sailing Club, Icknield Port Rd, Birmingham B16 0AA

Friday 11th August, 3:00 – 6:00 PM at Birmingham Settlement- Edgbaston Reservoir Nature & Wellbeing Centre, 79 Selwyn Rd, Birmingham B16 0SL

Saturday 12th August, 3:00 – 6:00 PM with Edgbaston Reservoir Collaborative (ERCO) at Midland Sailing Club, Icknield Port Rd, Birmingham B16 0AA

Sunday 13th August, 10:00 – 4:00 PM at The B16 Lunch hosted by CIVIC SQUARE, South Loop Park, B16 0AE