Saturday 9 Sept 1-4pm The GAP
An exciting opportunity for creative, curious, local young people 12-16 yrs, who love to explore, imagine, tell stories & step into other people’s shoes. This is taster session for regular, weekly youth theatre sessions on Saturday afternoons. From Sept – March we will be exploring the theme ‘The Island’ What’s it all about? What does it mean to live on an island? How does it shape who we are, and who we are not? What does it mean to be “castaway’? And what is it like to be colonised? Islands have a gripping hold on our imaginations, offering conflicting possibilities: a paradise or a prison? refuge or danger? community or complete isolation?
Give it a go…
Don’t worry if you’re not sure this is your thing… Come along and try it out this Saturday and see what you think. You can also find out more about the other exciting plans and amazing opportunities being a member of The GAP Youth Theatre has to offer!
What’s involved?
We will use all kinds of drama techniques to get inside the hearts and minds of islanders, design theatre sets, make amazing masks and learn how to tell stories collectively for an audience through performance.
Who’s leading it?
The GAP has an excellent track record of giving young people meaningful and transformational arts experiences. It has highly experienced staff who are expert at facilitating the development of creativity, critical thinking, a confident sense of self and personal values, through the social practice of making theatre.
What will it cost?
There is NO CHARGE to belong to the GAP Youth Theatre. We just ask that you contribute your commitment. As well as having loads of fun on this project you will also need to be prepared to work hard as a reliable member of the team.